The ONVU Learning Network Test Tool is designed to test the outbound connections required by the ONVU Learning solution. The results of this test will show which connections are available and which are unavailable.
The tool can be access via the link below.
After passing the captcha, the test will run and display the results.
The test will show which URLs have passed the test tool in a summary at the top of the page. A breakdown of the test will be shown in a table below.
There is 1 additional URLs in the network test which must be tested manually, instructions for this can be found by clicking the ? button to open the below dialogue.
After testing and marking the manual test, the summary will change to display the final results.
URL failures are often caused by firewall rules on the network. In this case the gateways will either need to be moved to a network with less restrictions or have exceptions made on the current network.